BRIAN DAVIS: At Davis Law Group, one focus of our practice is on trucking accidents.
[GRAPHIC: Aerial roadway photo]
[GRAPHIC: Wrecked pickup]
BRIAN DAVIS: In a lot of serious truck accident cases, the truck company or its insurer will step in and try to settle with the victim early on for a lump sum.
[GRAPHIC: Accident scene]
BRIAN DAVIS: And it may seem like a lot of money, but what you gain from hiring an experienced truck accident lawyer is the knowledge and experience to guide you through not only what’s going on right now but what is going to go on down the road.
While we certainly want to recover fair compensation for your medical bills and your lost wages, another very large component of your damages following a truck accident case involves pain and suffering. Victims of truck wrecks often have long periods of recuperation and rehabilitation. And our goal at Davis Law Group is to get you fair compensation for what you’ve been through and the pain and suffering you’ve experienced.
[GRAPHIC: Semi accident scene]
[GRAPHIC: Car and truck accident]
RIAN DAVIS: Truck companies don’t really have your best interests at heart. We’ve actually seen several cases where the truck company instructs its driver to call the company before the driver even calls 911. The company does this because they want to know as soon as possible that there’s been a wreck because the company wants to deploy its own investigation team to the scene as soon as possible.
[GRAPHIC: Wrecked Semi]
BRIAN DAVIS: If the proper authorities are not called immediately following a truck accident case, information is often covered up, hidden or destroyed.
[GRAPHIC: Car and truck accident]
BRIAN DAVIS: With our experience and knowledge, we know to go directly to the truck company as soon as we’re retained in a case. That’s because we have to put the truck company on notice that they shall not destroy any evidence in the case. We know the information that needs to be gathered. We know the laws that govern these truck companies and their drivers inside and out.
The most important thing that you can gain by hiring an experienced truck accident lawyer is leverage. Leverage will put you on equal footing with the trucking company and its insurers. And without having an experienced truck lawyer you won’t have any leverage.
[GRAPHIC: DLG Davis Law Group, P.A. Attorneys at Law 866-397-2897 135 Cherry Street Asheville, NC 28801]