On this New Year’s Eve, Danny Keysar would have turned 13 years old. Danny was killed in 1998 in a dangerous and defective portable crib. Danny’s death prompted his parents to found KID – an advocacy group dedicated to alerting parents about unsafe children’s products.
There has been tremendous change in the last few years in the area of children’s product safety. With some new laws, some honoring Danny by name, and a new active administration at CPSC, our children are already safer today, but more must be done. Some children are still sleeping in cribs that have been recalled, some kids are still riding in child safety seats that have been taken off the market because they are unsafe, and some children are still playing with toys that have been recalled because of poisonous lead paint levels.
Join with us to honor not only Danny, but the children in your life with a safer tomorrow.
Make a donation to KID in a child’s name.
Check the children’s products in your home for recalls and urge others — grandparents, caregivers, neighbors and family — to do the same. There were 7 Million cribs recalled in the last 2 years. Sign up for email alerts from CPSC and KID.
Have a safe and happy 2010!
As I discussed in a prior post about “unsafe Halloween flashlights”, these products can appear safe at first glance, but then when the child is actually using the product, it can quickly become a safety hazard.
Take the time to carefully inspect the products used by your child. Check the CPSC to see if there has been a recall for the product.