A recent report from TRIP, a national transportation research group, found that North Carolina is third in the nation for the highest death rates on rural roads. WLOS ABC News Channel 13 also reported on the news, and Troopers interviewed in Western North Carolina said Kanuga Road in Henderson County is particularly problematic. At least one resident on Kanuga Road has had to repair a rock wall protecting his home three times after various drivers hit it. Speeding appears to be one of the bigger issues on rural roads like Kanuga. Residents in the local area have also witnessed aggressive and distracted driving behaviors like tailgating and texting.
Speeding and Aggressive Driving
Speeding and aggressive driving behaviors aren’t just problems on rural roadways. In 2017, speeding killed over 9,700 people and accounted for 26 percent of all traffic fatalities. It’s never a good idea to speed or engage in tailgating or other types of aggressive driving behaviors. It’s better to be late to work or to an appointment than to put yourself and other motorists in harm’s way. With road construction and additional summer tourist traffic, allow plenty of extra time to get to your destination, so you’re not tempted to push the speed limit.
Distracted Driving Epidemic
The distracted driving epidemic has reached all the way to rural roadways. Even with national, state and local enforcement efforts, distracted driving remains a huge problem all over the nation. Drivers are encouraged to take the pledge to never text or engage in any type of distracted behavior behind the wheel. It could save your life or the lives of others.
Car Accidents on Rural Roads in Asheville
While rural roads aren’t as frequently patrolled as urban and suburban roads, it’s just as important for drivers to obey traffic laws. Speeding and texting are just as dangerous on rural roads as they are on busy city roads. After any kind of accident involving an aggressive or distracted driver, it’s a good idea to speak with a Personal Injury lawyer about your case.
If you have been injured or if you have lost a loved one in a car accident on a rural road in Asheville or in any of the surrounding Western North Carolina communities, contact the skilled and proven team at Davis Law Group, P.A. at 828-303-2842 for a free case consultation.