It’s no secret that speeding is a dangerous behavior behind the wheel, but motorists in North Carolina and across the U.S. are still driving too fast. The North Carolina State Highway Patrol is cracking down on speeding offenders and other dangerous drivers this week. According to WLOS ABC News Channel 13, State Troopers are going to be out in full force cracking down on dangerous drivers. “Operation Slow Down” will run until Sunday, April 20th. State Troopers will be utilizing unmarked and marked patrol vehicles to catch speeders on highways and interstates across North Carolina. According to The Dispatch, over 19,581 citations were issued for a variety of traffic violations during last year’s Operation Slow Down.
Speeding: Just the Facts
- In 2011, 9,944 people died in speeding-related crashes.
- In 2010, 10,508 people died in speeding-related crashes.
- Speed was a contributing factor in 30 percent of all fatal crashes in 2011.
- In 2011, 35 percent of motorcycle riders involved in fatal crashes were speeding.
- Only 13 percent of speeding-related fatalities happened on Interstate Highways in 2011.
The Dangers of Speeding
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that economic societal costs of speeding-related crashes are about $40.4 billion each year. Racing, driving too fast for conditions and exceeding posted speed limits are all forms of speeding which can injure or kill drivers and passenger vehicle occupants. Speed limits aren’t posted to keep drivers from getting where they’re going in a timely manner. They’re posted to keep roadway users safe. Preventing fatal and injury-causing crashes in North Carolina needs to be a top priority for motorists. After all, speeding was listed as a contributing factor for nearly a third of all fatal crashes that happened in 2011.
When to Contact an Attorney
When drivers choose to exceed the speed limit, they’re putting everybody on the road at great risk. Hopefully, Operation Slow Down will encourage drivers to obey posted signs and increase roadway safety across North Carolina. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident involving a speeding driver, contact the experienced team at the Davis Law Group, P.A. at 888-773-8388 for a free consultation today.