Many of us have done it or have seen other drivers texting while driving. In North Carolina, as of December 1st, texting or reading emails while driving is now illegal and will get you a pricey ticket and points on your insurance.

The reason for the prohibition on texting and driving would seem obvious – if you are driving your eyes should be on the road in front of you, but there are many drivers on the road who think they can drive and text at the same time. State Troopers, in North Carolina and across the US, say the practice is unsafe and leads to many wrecks, serious injuries and sometimes even death.

Several national studies have found that texting and driving is very dangerous. A recent study at Virginia Tech found that drivers are 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash when texting on their phones. A Car and Driver Magazine study found that texting while driving is more dangerous than driving while impaired.

At Davis Law Group, we see clients on a regular basis who have suffered serious injuries as the result of other drivers texting while driving. The most common type of collision that we see as a result of texting is the head on collision. Drivers who are texting will look down to enter some text and inadvertantly move the steering wheel and cross into the oncoming lane. Interestingly, as is often seen in cases involving drunk drivers, the texting driver often walks away from the crash. Many of our clients are not so lucky.

Caution your driving age children against this dangerous practice and convince them that the life they save may be their own.