The recently released results from a study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) establishes what most safety experts had already suspected: teenagers are still texting while driving, despite knowing the risks.

The study found that one-third of high school students admitted they had texted or emailed while driving within the previous 30 days. The study gathered information from approximately 15,000 high school student across the United States.

High school seniors reported the highest percentage of the dangerous activity. About 43 percent of 11th graders and 58 percent of 12th graders admitted texting or emailing while driving in the 30 days prior to the study.

The CDC website recommends that parents have a Parent Teen Agreement. These are agreements that parents and teens enter into in order to avoid texting while driving.

At Davis Law Group, we see many tragic auto crashes arising from teen texting while driving. If you have a teenager, please talk with your child about this very serious safety issue. You can read our other posts on texting while driving here.